Audience Vocabulary Encoding Scheme
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The audience property provides information about the target audience for whom a resource is intended. The LAWI Audience Vocabulary Encoding Scheme is a controlled list of terms for providing audience type values in LAWI metadata records.
This list describes the logical form of the service and is not governed by the format of the service. Service types described may be online or offline.
This list is not exhaustive and the LAWI Maintenance Agency invites suggestions for additions.
Audience categories Scope
all Default value; general public; the whole population.
Australians overseas Citizens of Australia living, working or travelling overseas.
business Persons or corporations engaged in commerce, trade or industry.
carers Persons or organisations engaged in the care of others (eg patients, children, elderly, disabled). Use ‘parents’ for resources aimed at mothers, fathers or legal guardians.
children Persons under the age of 16 years. Use ‘youth’ for resources aimed at persons aged 16–25 years.
community groups Groups who provide services to, or represent the views of, specific community sectors.
employees Persons working for another person or business for wages. Use ‘jobseekers’ for resources designed to assist people seeking employment.
employers Persons or businesses who employ others for wages.
funding applicants Persons, organisations or businesses seeking funding from government grant or other financial assistance programs.
gay and lesbian Persons who identify themselves as part of the homosexual community.
government Agencies and organisations associated with public administration at local, state or federal level.
Indian Ocean Territories Persons living or working in the Indian Ocean Territories.
jobseekers Persons seeking employment, whether currently employed or unemployed. Use ‘employees’ for resources of relevance to people already in employment.
low income earners As determined by the Australian Taxation Office, persons whose annual income is less than $28,980 (current at 2007-07-01).
media Organisations that by means such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet etc reach large numbers of people.
men Adult male persons.
migrants Persons moving permanently from one country to another, either from Australia to overseas, or from other countries to Australia. Includes resources for people from non-English-speaking backgrounds or who have English as a second language.
New South Wales Persons living or working in New South Wales.
non-Australians Persons not citizens of or resident in Australia. Use ‘Australians overseas’ for Australian citizens not resident in Australia.
non-government organisations Organisations not established by government, especially those involved in not-for-profit charitable, development, environmental or relief programs. Use ‘business’ for organisations engaged in for-profit activities.
Norfolk Island Persons living or working in Norfolk Island.
Northern Territory Persons living or working in the Northern Territory.
parents Persons fulfilling a mother, father or guardian role in the care of children, whether by birth, adoption or other legal arrangement.
people with disabilities Persons with a physical or mental incapacity, either permanent or temporary.
primary industry Persons or organisations involved in the growing, producing or extracting of natural resources (eg, farming, forestry, mining). Use ‘rural’ for resources aimed at people and communities outside urban areas.
Queensland Persons living or working in Queensland.
rural Persons living or working in regional, country or isolated areas of Australia. Use ‘primary industry’ for resources on commercial activities that may occur in rural areas.
seniors Persons over the age of 65 years.
South Australia Persons living or working in South Australia.
students Persons engaged in a course of study or instruction whether at pre-primary, primary, secondary, vocational or tertiary level.
Tasmania Persons living or working in Tasmania.
teachers Members of the teaching profession, persons instructing students at pre-primary, primary, secondary, vocational or tertiary level.
tourists Persons visiting an area for pleasure, either from other countries or other parts of Australia. Use ‘migrants’ for persons relocating permanently to Australia.
veterans As defined in the VeteransÂ’ Entitlements Act 1986 (Cth), persons taken to have rendered eligible war service.
Victoria Persons living or working in Victoria.
Western Australia Persons living or working in Western Australia.
women Adult female persons.
youth Persons aged 16–25 years. Use ‘children’ for resources aimed at persons under the age of 16 years.
<meta name=”DCTERMS.audience” scheme=”LAWITERMS.lawi-audience” content=”youth”>
<meta name=”DCTERMS.audience” scheme=”LAWITERMS.lawi-audience” content=”people with disabilities; rural”>
<meta name=”DCTERMS.audience” scheme=”LAWITERMS.lawi-audience” content=”Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders” />
<meta name=”DCTERMS.audience” scheme=”LAWITERMS.lawi-audience” content=”employers; jobseekers” />
<dcterms:audience xsi:type=”lawiterms:lawi-audience”>
<dcterms:audience xsi:type=”lawiterms:lawi-audience”>
people with disabilities; rural
<dcterms:audience xsi:type=”lawiterms:lawi-audience”>
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
<dcterms:audience xsi:type=”lawiterms:lawi-audience”>
employers; jobseekers
<dcam:memberOf rdf:resource=”lawiterms:lawi-service”>
<dcam:memberOf rdf:resource=”lawiterms:lawi-service”>
<rdf:value>people with disabilities</rdf:value>
<dcam:memberOf rdf:resource=”lawiterms:lawi-service”>
<rdf:value>Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders</rdf:value>
<dcam:memberOf rdf:resource=”lawiterms:lawi-service”>
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