Directives Celex Numbers

Directives and Regulations Celex Numbers

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List of Common Names of Directives and Regulations with CELEX number:
Common Name CELEX Number

Directives Celex Numbers 31984L0386
11th Company Law Directive 31989L0666
11th VAT Directive 31980L0368
12th Company Law Directive 31989L0667
13th Company Law Directive 32004L0025
18th VAT Directive 31989L0465
1995 Voice Telephony Directive 31998L0010
1st Company Law Directive 31968L0151
1st Non-Life Insurance Directive 31973L0239
1st VAT Directive 31967L0227

2nd Company Law Directive 31977L0091
2nd Money Laundering Directive 32001L0097
2nd Non-Life Insurance Directive 31988L0357
2nd VAT Directive 31967L0228

3rd Capital Requirements Directive 32010L0076
3rd Company Law Directive 31978L0855
3rd Money Laundering Directive 32005L0060
3rd Non-Life Insurance Directive 31992L0049
3rd VAT Directive 31969L0463

4th Company Law Directive 31978L0660
4th VAT Directive 31971L0401

6th Company Law Directive 31982L0891
6th VAT Directive 31977L0388

7th Company Law Directive 31983L0349
7th VAT Directive 31994L0005

8th Company Law Directive 31984L0253
8th VAT Directive 31979L1072

9th VAT Directive 31978L0583

A.D.R. Framework Directive 31994L0055
Access Directive 32002L0019
Access to Environmental Information Directive 31990L0313
Acquired Rights Directive 32001L0023
Active Implantable Medical Device Directive 31990L0385
Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive 31990L0385
Additives Framework Directive 31989L0107
ADR Framework Directive 31994L0055
Advertising Directive 31984L0450
Air Framework Directive 31996L0062
Air Quality Framework Directive 31996L0062
Airspace Regulation 32004R0551
Animal Experiments Directive 31986L0609
Annual Accounts Directive 31978L0660
Anti-dumping Regulation 31996R0384
Anti-Raider Directive 31988L0627
Anti-Spam Directive 32002L0058
Anti-subsidy Regulation 31997R2026
Antidumping Regulation 31996R0384
Antitrust Regulation 32003R0001
Appliances Burning Gaseous Fuels Directive 31990L0396
Architects Directive 31985L0384
Asbestos Directive 31983L0477
Asylum Procedures Directive 32005L0085
Asylum Seekers Directive 32003L0009
ATEX Directive 31994L0009 or 31999L0092
Audio Visual Media Services Directive 32010L0013
Authorisation Directive 32002L0020
AVMS Directive 32010L0013
AVMSD 32010L0013

BALAI Directive 31992L0118
Bank Accounts Directive 31986L0635
Bank Branches Directive 31989L0117
Banking Consolidation Directive 32006L0048
Basic Safety Directive 31980L0836
Bathing Water Directive 32006L0007
Batteries Directive 32006L0066 or 31991L0157
Biocidal Products Directive 31998L0008
Biocides Directive 31998L0008
Biofuels Directive 32009L0028 or 32003L0030
Biological Agents Directive 32000L0054
Biotechnology Directive 31998L0044
Birds Directive 31979L0409
Blood Directive 32002L0098
Boilers Directive 31992L0042
Braking Directive 31971L0320
Brussels Convention 41968A0927
Brussels I 32001R0044
Brussels I Regulation 32001R0044
Brussels II 32003R2201
Brussels II bis Regulation 32003R2201
Brussels II Regulation 32003R2201
Brussels Treaty 11965F
Burden of Proof Directive 31997L0080

Capital Adequacy Directive 31993L0006
Capital Requirements Directive 32006L0048 or 32006L0049
Capital Transfer Directive 31988L0361
Car Recycling Directive 32000L0053
Carcinogens Directive 31990L0394
Cartel Regulation 32003R0001
CE Marking Amendment Directive 31993L0068
CE Marking Directive 31993L0068
Cereals Directive 31986L0362
Chemical Agents Directive 31998L0024
Chocolate Directive 32000L0036
CITES 31997R0338
Citizens Directive 32004L0038
Classic Directive 32004L0018
Clinical Trials Directive 32001L0020
Cogeneration Directive 32004L0008
Collective Redundancies Directive 31998L0059
Commercial Agents Directive 31986L0653
Community Customs Code Regulation 31992R2913
Community Patent Convention 41975A3490
Community Plant Variety Rights Regulation 31994R2100
Community Trade Mark Regulation 31994R0040
Comparative Advertising Directive 31997L0055
Compliance Directive 31989L0665
Computer Programs Directive 31991L0250
Conditional Access Directive 31998L0084
Conformity Assessment Procedures and CE Marking Rules 31993D0465
Conglomerates Directive 32002L0087
Consolidated Accounts Directive 31983L0349
Consolidated Supplies Directive 31993L0036
Construction Products Directive 31989L0106
Consumer Credit Directive 31987L0102
Consumer Guarantees Directive 31999L0044
Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation 32004R2006
Contractual Netting Directive 31996L0010
Contractual Obligations Convention 41980A0934 or 31980Y1031
Convention de Bruxelles 41968A0927
Convention de Rome 41980A0934
Copyright Directive 31993L0098
Cosmetics Directive 31976L0768
CRD II 32009L0111
CRD III 32010L0076
Credit Institutions Reorganisation and Winding Up Directive 32001L0024
Customs Code Regulation 31992R2913

Dangerous Goods Training Directive 31994L0055
Dangerous Preparations Directive 31988L0379
Dangerous Substances Directive 31967L0548 or 32006L0121 or 32006R1907
Dangerous Substances in Water Directive 31976L0464
Dassonville 61974J0008
Data Protection Directive 31996L0009
Database Directive 31996L0009
Database Protection Directive 31996L0009
Design Directive 31998L0071
Design Protection Directive 31998L0071
Designs Directive 31998L0071
Diplomas Directive 31989L0048
Directive on Electronic Commerce 32000L0031
Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications 32002L0058
Discharge of Dangerous Substances Directive 31967L0548
Discharges of Dangerous Substances Directive 31976L0464
Disclosure Requirements Directive 31989L0666
Display Screen Equipment Directive 31990L0270
Distance Contracts Directive 31997L0007
Distance Marketing Directive 32002L0065
Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services Directive 32002L0065
Distance Marketing of Financial Services Directive 32002L0065
Distance Selling Directive 31997L0007
Distant Contracts Directive 31997L0007
Doorstep Selling Directive 31985L0577
Drinking Water Directive 31980L0778
Dual Pricing Directive 31998L0006
Dublin Convention (1997/C 254/01)
Dublin II Regulation 32003R0343

E-Commerce Directive 32000L0031
E-Money Directive 32000L0046
E-Privacy Directive 32002L0058
E-Signatures Directive 31999L0093
E.C. Authorizations Directive 31991L0414
E.E.C.-Phyto Directive 31977L0093
E.W.C. Directive 31994L0045
EC Authorizations Directive 31991L0414
EC Residues Directive 31986L0469
Eco Label Regulation 32000R1980
Eco Labelling Regulation 32000R1980
Eco-label Regulation 32000R1980
Eco-labelling Regulation 32000R1980
EEC Phyto Directive 31977L0093
EEC-Phyto Directive 31977L0093
EIA Directive 31985L0337
Eighteenth VAT Directive 31989L0465
Eighth Company Law Directive 31984L0253
Eighth VAT Directive 31979L1072
Electricity Market Access Directive 31996L0092
Electricity Regulation 32003R1228
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 32004L0108 or 31989L0336
Electronic Commerce Directive 32000L0031
Electronic Communications Directive 32002L0058
Electronic Money Directive 32000L0046
Electronic Signatures Directive 31999L0093
Eleventh Company Law Directive 31989L0666
Eleventh VAT Directive 31980L0368
ELV Directive 32000L0053
EMC Directive 32004L0108
Emissions Trading Directive 32003L0087
Employment Framework Directive 32000L0078
Encrypted Services Directive 31998L0084
End-of-life Vehicles Directive 32000L0053
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 32002L0091
Energy Products Directive 32003L0096
Energy Tax Directive 32003L0096
Enforcement of Judgements Convention 41968A0927
Enforcement of Judgments Convention 41968A0927
Environmental Impact Assessment Directive 31985L0337
Environmental Liability Directive 32004L0035
Equal Pay Directive 31975L0117
Equal Treatment Directive 31976L0207
Establishment Directive 31998L0005
Establishment of Lawyers Directive 31998L0005
EU Copyright Directive 32001L0029
EU Savings Directive 32003L0048
Eurodac Regulation 32000R2725
Eurolist Directive 31980L0390
European Chemicals Inventory 31996D0335
European Company Statute (Societas Europea) 32001R2157 or 32001L0086
European Savings Tax Directive 32003L0048
European Works Council Directive 31994L0045
Eurovignette Directive 31999L0062
EWC Directive 31994L0045
Excise Duties Directive 31992L0012
Excise Duties Regulation 32004R2073
Excise Duty Directive 31992L0012
Excise Duty Regulation 32004R2073
Explosive Atmospheres Directives 31976L0117

Fair Value Directive 32001L0065
Financial Collateral Arrangements Directive 32002L0047
First Banking Co-ordination Directive 31977L0780
First Company Law Directive 31968L0151
First Non-Life Insurance Directive 31973L0239
First VAT Directive 31967L0227
Fish Directive 31978L0659
Fish Freshwater Standards Directive 31978L0659
Fish Water Directive 31978L0659
Fixed-Term Work Directive 31999L0070
Food Additives Framework Directive 31989L0107
Food Hygiene Regulation 32004R0852
Food Labelling Directive 32000L0013
Food Supplements Directive 32002L0046
Foot and Mouth Directive 32003L0085
Foot and Mouth Disease Directive 32003L0085
Fourth Company Law Directive 31978L0660
Fourth VAT Directive 31971L0401
Framework Directive 32002L0021
Framework Regulation 32004R0549
Free Movement Directive 32004L0038
Fresh Meat Directive 31991L0497
Fruit and Vegetables Directive 31976L0895
Fuel Quality Directive 31998D0070

Gas and Electricity Price Transparency Directive 31990L0377
Gas Directive 32003L0055
Gender Directive 32004L0113
General Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 32004L0108 or 31989L0336
General Equal Treatment Directive 32000L0078
General Product Safety Directive 32001L0095
General Tractor Directive 31974L0150
Genetically Modified Food and Feed Regulation 32003R1829
GM Food and Feed Regulation 32003R1829
GMO Directive 32001L0018
GPSD 32001L0095
Groundwater Directive 31980L0068
Guarantees Directive 31999L0044

Habitats Directive 31992L0043
Hazardous Waste Directive 31991L0689
Health and Safety Framework Directive 31989L0391
Health and Safety Framework Directive 31989L0391

IAS Regulation 32002R1606
In Vitro Diagnostic Directive 31998L0079
Incineration of Waste Directive 32000L0076
Information and Consultation Directive 32002L0014
Information Society Directive 32001L0029
Injunctions Directive 31998L0027
Insider Dealing Directive 31989L0592
Insider Trading Directive 31989L0592
Insurance Block Exemption Regulation 32003R0358
Insurance Mediation Directive 32002L0092
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive 31996L0061
Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive 32004L0048
Interconnections Directive 31997L0033
Interest and Royalties Directive 32003L0049
Interest and Royalty Directive 32003L0049
International Accounting Standards Regulation 32002R1606
Interoperability Regulation 32004R0552
Investment Services Directive 31993L0022
Investor Compensation Directive 31997L0009
IPPC Directive 31996L0061
IPR Enforcement Directive 32004L0048
ISD 31993L0022
IVD Directive 31998L0079

Labelling Directive 32000L0013
Landfill Directive 31999L0031
Large Combustion Plant Directive 31994L0066
Large Exposures Directive 31992L0121
Late Payment Directive 32000L0035
Lawyers Services Directive 31977L0249
LCP Directive 31994L0066
Lead-free Directive 32002L0095
Leased Lines Directive 31992L0044
Life Assurance Directive 31979L0267 or 31990L0619
LIFE Regulation 32004R10682
Lifts Directive 31995L0016
Lisbon Treaty 12007L
Lome Convention 21976A0130(01) or 31980R3225 or 21986A0331(03) or 21991A0817(01)
Low Voltage Directive 31973L0023
Lugano Convention 41988A0592
Luxembourg Convention 41989A0695(01)
Luxembourg Protocol 41971A0603(02)

M.A.C. (Multiplex Analogue Components) Directive 31992L0038 or 32006D0040
M.A.C. Directive 31992L0038 or 32006D0040
Maastricht Treaty 11992M
MAC (Multiplex Analogue Components) Directive 31992L0038 or 32006D0040
MAC Directive 31992L0038 or 32006D0040
MAC Multiplex Analogue Components Directive 31992L0038 or 32006D0040
Machinery Directive 32006L0042
MAD Directive 32003L0006
Manual Handling Directive 31990L0269
Market Abuse Directive 32003L0006
Marketing and Use Directive Directive 31976L0769
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 32004L0039
Measuring Instruments Directive 32004L0022
Medical Device Directive 31993L0042
Medical Devices Directive 31993L0042
Merger Control Regulation 31989R4064
Merger Directive 31990L0434
Merger Regulation 32004R0139
Mergers Directive 31990L0434
Metric Directive 31980L0181
MiFID 32004L0039
Milk Hygiene Directive 32004L0041
Mineral Oils Rates Directive 31992L0082
Misleading Advertising Directive 31984L0450
Mobile Air Conditioning Directive 32006D0040
Modernisation of Accounts Directive 32003L0051
Modernisation Regulation 32003R0001
Modernization Regulation 32003R0001
Money Laundering Directive 31991L0308
Motor Vehicle Framework Directive 31970L0156
Motor Vehicle Type Approval Framework Directive 31970L0156
Multiplex Analogue Components Directive 31992L0038
Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Directive 31989L0048

NAOMI 2001/C 386/07
Natural Habitats Directive 31992L0043
Nickel Directive 31994L0027
Ninth VAT Directive 31978L0583
Nitrates Directive 31991L0676
Noise Directive 32000L0014
Non-road Mobile Machinery Directive 31997L0068
Novel Food Regulation 31997R0258
Novel Foods Regulation 31997R0258

O.M.P Leased Lines Directive 31992L0044
O.N.P. Framework Directive 31990L0387
O.N.P. Interconnection Directive 31997L0033
O.N.P. Leased Lines Directive 31992L0044
OCT Decision 32001D0822
ONP Framework Directive 31990L0387
ONP Interconnection Directive 31997L0033
ONP Interconnections Directive 31997L0033
ONP Leased Lines Directive 31992L0044
Open Network (ONP) Framework Directive 31990L0387
Open Network Directive 31990L0387
Open Network ONP Framework Directive 31990L0387
Open Network Provision (ONP) Framework Directive 31990L0387
Open Network Provision Framework Directive 31990L0387
Open Network Provision Interconnections Directive 31997L0033
Open Network Provision ONP Framework Directive 31990L0387
Open Networks Directive 31990L0387
Overseas Association Decision 32001D0822
Own Funds Directive 32000L0012

Package Travel Directive 31990L0314
Packaging Waste Directive 31994L0062
Paints Directive 32004L0042
Parent and Subsidiary Directive 31990L0435
Parental Leave Directive 31996L0034
PARNUTS 31989L0398
Part-time Work Directive 31997L0081
Passenger Lifts Directive 31995L0016
PCB Directive 31996L0059
PEC Directive 32002L0058
Pensions Fund Directive 32003L0041
Personal Protective Equipment Directive 31989L0656
Pesticides Directive 31990L0642
Pet Passport Regulation 32003R0998
Petrol Storage Directive 31994L0063
Phyto Directive 31977L0093
Plant Health Directive 31977L0093
Plant Protection Directive 31991L0414
Plant Protection Products Directive 31991L0414
Plant Variety Rights Regulation 31994R2100
Plastics Directive 31990L0128
Plating Directive 31976L0114
Plumber Regulation 31984R0003 or 31989R1292 or 31991R0718
Port State Control Directive 31995L0021
Post-BCCI Directive 31995L0026
Postal Directive 31997L0067
Posted Workers Directive 31996L0071
PPE Directive 31989L0656
Pregnant Workers Directive 31992L0085
Pressure Equipment Directive 31997L0023
Privacy and Communications Directive 32002L0058
Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 32002L0058
Procurement Directive 31992L0013
Product Liability Directive 31985L0374
Product Safety Directive 31992L0059 or 32001L0095
Professional Qualifications Directive 32005L0036
Prohibition Directive 31979L0117
Prospectuses Directive 32003L0071
Protected Geographical Indication Directive 31992R2081
Protection of Workers Directive 31990L0679
Protective Equipment Directive 31989L0656
PSI Directive 32003L0098
Public Procurement Directive 32004L0018
Public Sector Directive 32004L0018
Public Sector Information Directive 32003L0098
Public Sector Procurement Directive 32004L0018
Public Sector Services Directive 31992L0050
Public Sector Supply Directive 31993L0036
Public Supply Contracts Directive 32004L0018
Public Works Directive 31993L0037

Qualification Directive 32004L0083

R.T.T.E. Directive 31999L0005
Race Directive 32000L0043
Railway Safety Directive 32004L0049
Refrigerator Directive 31996L0057
Remedies Directive 31992L0013
Renewables Directive 32001L0077
Rental Right Directive 31992L0100
Residues Directive 31986L0469
Road Transport Directive 32002L0015
RoHS Directive 32002L0095
Rome Convention 41980A0934
Rome I 32008R0593
Rome II 32007R0864
Rome II Regulation 32007R0864
RTTE Directive 31999L0005

Sampling Drinking Water Directive 31979L0869
Satellite and Cable Directive 31993L0083
Savings Tax Directive 32003L0048
Schengen Acquis 42000A0922
Schengen Agreement 42000A0922
Schengen Convention 42000A0922
Schengen Treaty 42000A0922
SEA Directive 32001L0042
Second Company Law Directive 31977L0091
Second Money Laundering Directive 32001L0097
Second Non-Life Insurance Directive 31988L0357
Second VAT Directive 31967L0228
Semiconductor Topographies Directive 31987L0054
Service Provision Regulation 32004R0550
Services Directive 31992L0050
Seventh Company Law Directive 31983L0349
Seventh VAT Directive 31994L0005
Seveso Directive 31982L0501
Seveso II Directive 31996L0082
Shellfish Directive 31979L0923
Shellfish Water Directive 31979L0923
Simplification Directive 31992L0111
Single European Sky Framework Regulation 32004R0549
Single-Member Company Directive 31989L0667
Sixth Company Law Directive 31982L0891
Sixth VAT Directive 31977L0388
Software Directive 31991L0250
Solvency 1 Directive 32002L12 or 32002L13
Solvency I Directive 32002L12 or 32002L13
Solvency Ratio Directive 31989L0647
Solvent Emissions Directive 31999L0013
State Aid Regulation 31999R0659
Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 32001L0042
Strawberry Regulation 31998R2679
Supplies Directive 31993L36
Surface Water Abstraction Directive 31979L0869
Surface Water Quality Directive 31979L0869
Sweeteners Directive 31994L0035

Takeover Bids Directive 32004L0025
Takeover Directive 32004L0025
Tax Savings Directive 32003L0048
Taxation of Mergers Directive 31990L0434
Technical Standards Directive 31998L0034
Technology Transfer Block Exemption 32004R0772
Technology Transfer Regulation 32004R0772
Telecom Terminal Equipment Directive 31999L0005
Telecommunications Licensing Directive 31997L0013
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 31999L0005
Telecoms and Data Protection Directive 31997L0066
Telesales Directive 31997L0007
Television Directive 31989L0552
Television Without Frontiers Directive 31989L0552
Temporary Work at Height Directive 32001L0045
Tenth VAT Directive 31984L0386
Terminals Directive 31998L0013
Third Capital Requirements Directive 32010L0076
Third Company Law Directive 31978L0855
Third Money Laundering Directive 32005L0060
Third Non-Life Insurance Directive 31992L0049
Third VAT Directive 31969L0463
Thirteenth Company Law Directive 32004L0025
Timeshare Directive 31994L0047
Tissue and Cells Directive 32004L0023
Titanium Dioxide Directive 31992L0112
Tobacco Advertising Directive 32003L0033
Toy Safety Directive 31988L0378
Trade Barriers Regulation 31994R3286
Trade Mark Directive 31989L0104
Trade Marks Directive 31989L0104
Transfer of Undertakings Directive 32001L0023
Transit of Electricity Directive 31990L0547
Transit of Natural Gas Directive 32003L0055
Transparency Directive 32004L0109
Treaty of Amsterdam 11997E
Treaty of Nice 12001C
Treaty of Rome 11957E
TTBE 32004R0772
TV Without Frontiers Directive 31989L0552
TWAHD 32001L0045
Twelfth Company Law Directive 31989L0667

U.C.I.T.S. Directive 31985L0611
UCITS Directive 31985L0611
Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 32005L0029
Unfair Contract Terms Directive 31993L0013
Universal Service Directive 32002L0022
Urban Waste Water Directive 31991L0271
Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 31991L0271
Urban Wastewater Directive 31991L0271
Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 31991L0271
Use of Work Equipment Directive 31989L0655
Utilities Directive 31993L0038
Utilities Remedies Directives 31990L0531

V D U Directive 31990L0270
V.A.T. Rates Directive 31992L0077
V.C.M. Directive 31978L0610
VABE 31999R2790
VAT Rates Directive 31992L0077
VCM Directive 31978L0610
VDU Directive 31990L0270
Vertical Agreement Block Exception 31999R2790
Vertical Agreements Block Exemption 31999R2790
Verticals Regulation 31999R2790
Veterinary Checks Directive 31991L0496
Vibrations Directive 32002L0044
Vinyl Chloride Monomer Directive 31978L0610
VOC Paints Directive 32004L0042
Voice Telephony Directive 31998L0010

Waste Directive 32006L0012
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 32002L0096
Waste Framework Directive 32006L0012
Waste Incineration Directive 32000L0076
Waste Oils Directive 31975L0439
Water Framework Directive 32000L0060
WEEE Directive 32002L0096
Wild Birds Directive 31979L0409
Winding Up Directive 32001L0017
Work Equipment Directive 31989L0655
Working Time Directive 32003L0088
Workplace Directive 31989L0654
Works Council Directive 31994L0045
Works Directive 31993L0037

Young Workers Directive 31994L0033

Zoonoses Directive 31992L0117


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